Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Panini's with Focaccia

Remember that delicious focaccia I had made in my food processor a while back? Well, we are completely hooked on the stuff, it is delicious! It is perfect as a side for dinner, and it makes awesome sandwiches too.

We have recently discovered what amazing panini's it makes as well! The density of the focaccia, along with the flavour, is perfect for a grilled panini at home.

Since we don't own a panini press (I have no idea where we would store it, but how awesome would it be to own one?) we use our George Foreman grill to make ours.  It works awesome! If you don't have a foreman grill you can also use a skillet and place a heavy pan on top in order to smush the sandwich.

This particular sandwich was so delicious.  We used leftover buffalo chicken dip (the image of health, that's what this particular sandwich is) and cucumber slices.  Oh man, this sandwich was good!

The outside of the sandwich crisped up to panini perfection, and the rest was warm and tasty.  

Here is the link to the focaccia recipe where I originally found it over on hotpolkadot.com, and here is the link to when I had first made it myself.

I hope you enjoy your panini's!

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