Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chai Latte at Home

It may be due to our ridiculously cold weather and the fact that I am beyond sick of being chilly, but I have been hooked on chai latte's lately! The warm spices along with the creaminess of steamed milk make them perfect for winter.

As soon as I saw this insanely cute contraption that allows to you froth your milk by hand, I knew I would start making these warm and delicious drinks at home (the fact that it is covered in cute cows helped too).

I have no idea if this is the proper way to make chai latte's, but it worked for me! First you boil your water, and place your chai tea bag in your coffee cup. Once your water is boiling, pour some into the cup over the tea bag and allow it to steep for a few minutes.

While the tea is steeping, fill up your milk frother about 1/3 of the way with milk and place the container (minus the metal parts!) into your microwave.  Zap the milk until it is hot, and then attach the rest of the pieces. 

Take out any underlying aggression on the steaming milk until it has more than doubled in size.

When your tea is as dark as you like, pour in some milk until the cup is full while holding back the foam.  Dollop some dreamy foam on top of your warm drink, and top with cinnamon if you are feeling fancy.

This is fabulous beverage for chilly days, to enjoy with dessert, or to drink as you are curled up on the couch with a good book!



  1. I think I need one of those contraptions immediately! I love chai! Thanks so much for sharing your link on the My Baking Addiction Facebook page!


  2. Love the cow frother! Haha. Definitely a good way to make Chai Lattes at home! If you want a more concentrated taste, Costco (Sobey's, etc.) sells Starbucks Chai concentrate. I'm sure there are other brands of Chai concentrate too :)

  3. Ahhh this looks great! I have really had a hankering for chai lattes lately and they cost a small fortune at Starbucks! Thanks for this how-to!!

  4. I also LOVE Starbucks chai lattes, so I really need to try this! I happen to have a metal frother at home (ok, not nearly as cute as yours), and it looks like I need to put it to use. =)

  5. Hey Jamie, thank you so much for the idea to link all of us up! I have discovered so many awesome new blogs through your FB page :)

    Awesome Char! I had no idea that you could get that stuff at costco, I will definitely be adding that to my shopping list :) The one's at Starbucks are so good, but it is way to cold to go out and get them every time I get a craving for one haha

    Rachel, I hope you give it a shot at home :) The little 'frothers' are so fun to use too! That is where half the fun is

    Hi Jenna! definitely put that frother to use, but be warned that it can quickly become addicting :) so warm and tasty!
